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Heatherwick Studio-倫敦孟買藍寶石釀酒廠

By 欣建築2016/03/17
article cover

圖片提供/Heatherwick Studio圖片提供/Heatherwick Studio


孟買藍寶石釀酒廠(Bombay Sapphire Distillery)為倫敦一座琴酒酒廠,這是該酒廠第一次委託設計公司規劃室內的釀酒設施,同時也開放給一般民眾參觀。釀酒廠前身為一處以水力發電的紙廠,紙廠內有著超過40棟的大小荒廢建築物,許多建築物依然保留著歷史特徵,這些歷史特徵也成了負責設計的海澤維克工作室Heatherwick Studio特地保留的元素。

在整體的規劃中,穿過廠區的River Test這條多年被隱藏混凝土水道下的河流在這次建物翻修中倒是成了重要的角色,同時也為這舊廠區增添了不少活力。海澤維克工作室不但將River Test的河岸擴寬,並種植了植物與設計出像是溫室般的玻璃屋以做為吸引遊客的中央庭院區。同時也因為這條河流讓圍繞在River Test四周的釀酒廠與其他設施能有著更舒服的空間配置感。這也要歸功於事務所讓River Test重見天日及拓寬了二倍的河道寬度,當然還有令人愉悅的溫室綠色植物區。



圖片提供/Heatherwick Studio圖片提供/Heatherwick Studio

圖片提供/Heatherwick Studio圖片提供/Heatherwick Studio

圖片提供/Heatherwick Studio圖片提供/Heatherwick Studio

圖片提供/Heatherwick Studio圖片提供/Heatherwick Studio

圖片提供/Heatherwick Studio圖片提供/Heatherwick Studio

圖片提供/Heatherwick Studio圖片提供/Heatherwick Studio

圖片提供/Heatherwick Studio圖片提供/Heatherwick Studio

圖片提供/Heatherwick Studio圖片提供/Heatherwick Studio

玻璃屋剖面圖;圖片提供/Heatherwick Studio玻璃屋剖面圖;圖片提供/Heatherwick Studio

基地位置圖;圖片提供/Heatherwick Studio基地位置圖;圖片提供/Heatherwick Studio

River Test河剖面圖;圖片提供/Heatherwick StudioRiver Test河剖面圖;圖片提供/Heatherwick Studio


湯瑪斯.海澤維克是一名英國設計師,在過去20多年來完許多跨界的設計創作,以其精細度、創 新和原創性著稱。工作室由170位卓越建築師、設計師、 以及制作人所組成的設計團隊緊密合作。湯瑪斯總能以非同尋常的思路挑戰原始設計程的每個細節,針對不同需求製作出最獨特的設計方案,並將藝術性的思維運用 到現代城市設計的需求之中。湯瑪斯曾獲大英帝國司令勛章(OBE),同時為英國皇室建築師協會榮譽會員、皇室院士,並於2004年成為業界最年輕的皇室設計師。

英國設計師Thomas Heatherwick英國設計師Thomas Heatherwick


>從蘇格蘭到英格蘭 趣看日不落建築





>[人物報導] Thomas Heatherwick -其實我本想當個發明家

>Heatherwick-誰說平行線不會相連 舊倉庫的華麗變身


>Heatherwick Studio 事務所
編譯/蘇琨峰 圖片/Heatherwick Studio



一隻喜愛新事物也對舊事物固執的牡羊。台北工專土木工程科、雲林科技大學營建工程結構組畢業,工作後決定離職前往澳洲再度充實自己並一圓留學夢,畢業於墨爾 本大學經濟與商業研究所,主修商業與資訊管理。喜歡看建築、旅行探險、攝影、網球、及爵士樂團薩克斯風手。目前為《欣建築/國際脈動》編譯、文字記者、辦理欣建築相關活動及國際領隊。
Editor Andre

圖片說明:Editor Andre

Article source

Heatherwick Studio/Bombay Sapphire Distillery

The gin-maker Bombay Sapphire commissioned the creation of the company’s first in-house production facility, which will also be open for members of the public to visit. Formerly a water-powered paper mill, the site contained more than forty derelict buildings, many of historical significance, which have been regenerated and restored as part of Heatherwick Studio’s master plan. Central to the development of the master plan is the River Test, which was previously almost invisible, contained within a narrow high-sided concrete channel and largely covered over as the site had intensively developed over many years.

The river became the central organising device to make sense of the complex site and this accumulation of facilities. The river has been widened and its banks opened out and planted in order to transform it into a route that draws visitors through the site to a newly defined courtyard at its centre, surrounded by historic buildings. To make the water visible and valuable once more the river has taken on more than twice its original width and its banks reshaped with planted foreshores.

The original project brief included provision of a separate visitor centre. However the design team believed this not to be necessary, preferring to allow the public a more authentic experience by getting closer to the distillation process and seeing the sculptural copper gin stills in use.

Heatherwick Studio's master plan proposed the creation of two new glasshouses to grow specimens of the 10 exotic plant species used in the Bombay Sapphire distillation process. These glasshouses, one of them containing a humid tropical environment and the other a dry temperate Mediterranean climate, emerge from the northern still house to sit within the waters of the widened river. The connection to the still house allows waste heat from the distillation process to be recycled to maintain the warm climates for the plant species to flourish. The fluid geometry of these new glass buildings was influenced by recent advances in glass technology and by Britain’s rich heritage of botanical glasshouse structures.

This new botanical distillery has achieved a BREEAM ‘outstanding’ rating for sustainability; the first facility in the drinks manufacturing industry to be awarded this rating.

【More Information】
>New British Inventors: Inside Heatherwick Studio

>Thomas Heatherwick - I dream of an inventor

>Heatherwick Studio
Editor/Andre Photos/Heatherwick Studio 

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Andre Profile

A male Aries, loves learning new things and being nostalgic to old things. Academic background: Bachelor of Construction Engineering Department at National YunTech University, Taiwan and Diploma of Graduate School of Business and Economics at University of Melbourne. With character of a little introvert, addicting to architecture, photography, tennis, Jazz music and saxophone and being the translator of Xin Architecture/ International, reporter, holder of activities and international tour leader.

Thomas HeatherwickBombay Sapphire Distillery釀酒廠湯瑪斯.海澤維克英國建築孟買藍寶石釀酒廠倫敦建築
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