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By 欣建築2015/03/19
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圖片說明:圖片提供/Serge Hoeltschi


圖片說明:圖片提供/Serge Hoeltschi


圖片說明:圖片提供/Serge Hoeltschi

由7,000片18種不同尺寸及折角角度的金屬板,以及金屬板二面各不同的深藍與金黃色所構成的動態牆,構成了動態牆在東西向觀賞時所形成的顏色變化,十足奇特的視覺體驗。這些金屬板高300mm,長度各從600mm到1000mm。靠近動態牆行走的行人與慢速移動車輛中的人們看到的是動態牆上如班點似的顏色變換效果,但從醫院一樓看出時卻又有透明的感覺,而若從一旁W. Michigan街騎摩拖車經過的騎士看到的則是更快速及感到傾斜的顏色變換,事務所可說是創造出一面與眾不同的停車場外牆。

圖片說明:圖片提供/Serge Hoeltschi

如果說到「就是要改變大家對傳統停車場的看法」,當然也會讓人連想到由曾永信建築師事務所/曾柏庭Q-LAB於烏來設計的烏來立體停車場增建案。設計概念萃取烏來大自然山景的峰陵線當作建築創作的意象發想,搭配泰雅族織品文化之帶狀條紋圖騰與紋面之特色,意圖將之抽象化,並以大地之雕塑做為本案量體及視覺上的設計泉源。此設計作品亦動亦靜,強調的是開車者與建築間的視覺互動;同時也希望將雕塑般的建築量體藏於大地,並展現其謙卑與融合之意涵。不但為烏來創造出更多的停車空間,更成為當地一座美麗的地標,此案最後更獲美國知名建築網站Architizer A+ Awards的停車場項目(Parking Structures)首獎。

圖片說明:圖片提供/Serge Hoeltschi

圖片說明:圖片提供/Serge Hoeltschi

圖片說明:圖片提供/Serge Hoeltschi

圖片說明:圖片提供/Serge Hoeltschi

Urbana 事務所

[建築快訊]烏來立體停車場 國際建築獎再下一城



編譯/蘇琨峰 圖文/ADEPT & Serge Hoeltschi


圖片說明:Courtesy by Serge Hoeltschi

This project began with an interest in challenging the typical notion of the parking structure as an unappreciated infrastructural typology by transforming the new Eskenazi Hospital parking structure into a binary, synthetic terrain. During the design process, an interest in camouflage evolved into an approach that would create a very large dynamic, interactive element for the City.

圖片說明:Courtesy by Serge Hoeltschi

Rather than an actively kinetic approach, with all of the inevitable maintenance and longevity concerns that accompany those types of project, we were instead working towards an approach that capitalizes on the fact that most viewers would, themselves, be moving on bicycles or in automobiles. Thus, the design ultimately became something that offers a degree a variability of color and form as one passes by the project. The awareness of this, interestingly enough, occurs whether someone is directly watching or even just seeing it out of their periphery of vision.

圖片說明:Courtesy by Serge Hoeltschi

The effect of a field of 7,000 angled metal panels in conjunction with an articulated east/west color strategy creates a dynamic façade system that offers observers a unique visual experience depending on their vantage point and the pace at which they are moving through the site. In this way, pedestrians and slow moving vehicles within close proximity to the hospital will experience a noticeable, dappled shift in color and transparency as they move across the hospital grounds, while motorists driving along W. Michigan Street will experience a faster, gradient color shift which changes depending on their direction of travel.

圖片說明:Courtesy by Serge Hoeltschi

To facilitate the effect, a total of 18 different panels sizes/angles are used throughout. They range from 300mm tall x 600mm long to 300mm tall x 1m long. There approximately 7,000 of these panels. The color scheme is quite simple as the west side received a deep blue color, while the east side receives a golden yellow color. The angles, alone, create the illusion of different hues.

圖片說明:Courtesy by Serge Hoeltschi

圖片說明:Courtesy by Serge Hoeltschi

圖片說明:Courtesy by Serge Hoeltschi

圖片說明:Courtesy by Serge Hoeltschi

圖片說明:Courtesy by Serge Hoeltschi

【More Information】

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A male Aries, loves learning new things and being nostalgic to old things. Academic background: Bachelor of Construction Engineering Department at National YunTech University, Taiwan and Diploma of Graduate School of Business and Economics at University of Melbourne. With character of a little introvert, addicting to architecture, photography, tennis, Jazz music and saxophone and being the translator of Xin Architecture/ International, reporter, holder of activities and international tour leader.
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