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By 欣建築2015/12/03
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圖片說明:圖片提供/Andrew San

蜂巢狀的外牆、高科技般的銀色外立面及曲線,加上螢光綠的適當點綴,讓澳洲未來纖維研究與創新中心(AFFRIC)在澳洲的吉朗科技園區中 (Geelong Technology Precinct),就像是隱藏在荒原中的未來武器研究中心一樣。而研究中心的外型設計在與四周的荒野景色相較下,著實產生了很搶眼的對比。

除 了相關新設施的研究與創新外,位於迪肯大學沃恩旁茲校區(Waurn Ponds Campus,Deakin University)內的未來纖維研究與創新中心同時也是當地許多組織的共同研究中心,像是CSIRO、迪肯大學的材料與纖維創新中心,以及VCAMM 的碳纖維研究工廠。同時,未來纖維研究與創新中心也是澳洲第一座位於校園內,並由政府資助被發展為各類型碳纖維的產品研究中心園區。

未來 纖維研究與創新中心主要由二棟建築量體「nj及nk Building」組成,因為剛好位於恩旁茲校區的最低點,西北及東南方為約10公尺高的山坡,面對南邊則為樹林帶。未來纖維研究與創新中心也因為如同座 落在山谷的地形中,負責興建的GHD Woodhead建築師事務所則利用了環繞二棟建築物的環狀道路做為大型設備的運輸及平時的出入道路,並在唯一的東北方出口處設計了一處可供迴轉的道路。

二 棟建築物有著不同的外觀。nj Building為長線型的建築物,總樓板面積大約是2,771平方米,主要提供了Deakin, Carbon Nexus及VCAMM組織做為一站式的研究區。GHD Woodhead事務所表示,未來纖維研究與創新中心主要為產業與學術組織的連接角色,將產業中遇到的挑戰交由這世界級的研究與教育中心進行研究設計再回 饋給產業,同時並可加速纖維產業中創新的速度。另一棟nk Building主要則提供了CSIRO組織的測試環境,在擁有更大的總樓板面積下提供了高端專家一處整合測試施備中心,同時並企圖提昇澳洲纖維材料的競 爭力及與生物科技產業的結合可能。

進入nj Building,便可感到濃濃的研究氣息。兩旁的會議室及材料儲藏室等,配合著可直視研究區的中央環狀空間,一進門便帶給人印象深刻的實驗室學習與研究 合作氛圍。而這正是GHD Woodhead在研究整合的前題下所刻意規劃的目的,創造出一種展現未來纖維科技的研究場所。而這座可容納300個研究員與學生的未來纖維研究與創新中 心,代表的是澳洲最大的碳纖維研究中心,也是全球最大的碳纖維週邊材料研究中心。

圖片說明:圖片提供/Andrew San

圖片說明:圖片提供/Andrew San

圖片說明:圖片提供/Andrew San

圖片說明:圖片提供/Andrew San

圖片說明:圖片提供/Andrew San

圖片說明:圖片提供/Andrew San

圖片說明:圖片提供/Andrew San

圖片說明:nj大樓平面圖;圖片提供/GHD Woodhead

圖片說明:nk大樓平面圖;圖片提供/GHD Woodhead

圖片說明:基地圖;圖片提供/Shannon McGrath

圖片說明:Sketch;圖片提供/GHD Woodhead

圖片說明:Sketch;圖片提供/GHD Woodhead

圖片說明:Sketch;圖片提供/GHD Woodhead

圖片說明:Sketch;圖片提供/GHD Woodhead

GHD Woodhead事務所
編譯/蘇琨峰 圖/GHD Woodhead



一 隻喜愛新事物也對舊事物固執的牡羊。台北工專土木工程科、雲林科技大學營建工程結構組畢業,工作後決定離職前往澳洲再度充實自己並一圓留學夢,畢業於墨爾 本大學經濟與商業研究所,主修商業與資訊管理。喜歡看建築、閱讀、旅行探險、攝影、網球、也是一位爵士樂團薩克斯風手。目前為《欣建築/國際脈動》編譯、 文字記者、辦理欣建築相關活動及國際領隊。


Article source

GHD Woodhead-AFFRIC (Australian Future Fibres Research and Innovation Centre)

GHD Woodhead designed the Australian Future Fibres Research and Innovation Centre (AFFRIC) at Deakin University’s Waurn Ponds Campus as part of the Geelong Technology Precinct. The new research centre is an exciting collaborative project between Deakin University, CSIRO and the Victorian Centre for Advanced Materials Manufacturing (VCAMM).

The project involved the design and development of the new research facilities, the co-location of the materials and fibres research group from CSIRO, the expansion of the existing research activities of Deakin’s Centre for Materials and Fibre Innovation, and the construction of a carbon fibre research pilot plant in partnership with the VCAMM.

AFFRIC includes the first carbon fibre production facility of any type in Australia and AFFRIC will also be the world’s first research facility for the production of carbon fibre located on a University campus and operated by a government-backed research organisation.

The facility consists of two buildings located on a steep site with approximately a 10 meter fall from the North West to the South East corner and the lowest point of the site. The Waurn Ponds site has a southerly prospect through the surrounding trees. The AFFRIC facility is the first building in a precinct currently being developed as a new technology and research park. Both Buildings are accessed via a ring road that runs around the perimeter of the site connected to a newly constructed roundabout which provides easy access for heavy long base delivery vehicles.

Although the two building are similar in process they have quite different identities, the first building known as the “nj Building” is long and linear in shape and approx.2,771 sq m Gross Floor Area (GFA). This is be home to Deakin, Carbon Nexus and VCAMM and provide a one-stop-shop interface, which allows industry to maximise the potential for knowledge and technology. Our aim was to bring industry challenges into the research institutions and the research knowledge from institutions into industry. With world-class research, education sectors, and an attitude of creativity, the design allows for the generation of high-value ideas. At the nj Building facility, Deakin are now positioned to contribute to the growth of advanced materials and advanced manufacturing. By harnessing the imaginations of Australia's best thinkers to solve the challenges of industry, accelerating the pace of innovation.

The second building known as the “nk Building” occupies CSIRO testing facilities which is located at the lower section of the site. This Building is by far the larger of the two buildings requiring 5,286 sq m GFA to house high level specialist integrated equipment, The nk Building will ensure a world-class fibre and manufacturing capability is established in Geelong with the resources to significantly improve the competitiveness of the textile and materials manufacturing sector, and the advance of composites and bio-medical industries.

GHD Woodhead have created an integrated facility that showcases fibre technology, and is designed as an innovative, modern, professional & futuristic environment. This ethos have been demonstrated in the entry experience, breakout, meeting room & central circulation spaces with direct views into laboratories to provide a collaborative and learnt experience.

The Centre will further increase the capacity of the partner organisations to service the fibre, textile, composite, automotive and aerospace industries and assist in the transition between research and commercial application. With over 300 researchers and students based at the centre will be the largest carbon fibre research centre in the nation and will be one of the premier research facilities in the world. It will develop new advanced materials which will ensure the industry can produce world-class knowledge-based products based on nanofibres, carbon fibres and smart functional materials.

Our purpose is to ensure that Australian industry remains innovative, competitive and flexible. We have provided a successful platform for industry to take full advantage of the extensive capabilities of the research community. In doing so, we accelerate innovation in industry.

【More Information】
GHD Woodhead

Editor/Andre  Photos/ Shannon McGrath

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Andre Su

A male Aries, loves learning new things and being nostalgic to old things. Academic background: Bachelor of Construction Engineering Department at National YunTech University, Taiwan and Diploma of Graduate School of Business and Economics at University of Melbourne. With character of a little introvert, addicting to architecture, photography, tennis, Jazz music and saxophone and being the translator of Xin Architecture/ International, reporter, holder of activities and international tour leader.
GHD Woodhead辦公大樓建築
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