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Henning Larsen-歐胡斯歷史博物館 Moesgaard Museum

By 欣建築2015/10/29
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圖片說明:圖片提供/Jens Lindhe

歐胡斯史前歷史博物館 (Moesgaard Museum)為丹麥第一座新落成的歷史文化博物館,且鄰近有著超過300年歷史的歐胡斯莊園。歐胡斯史前歷史博物館整體規劃設計使其看起來就像是一處歷史遺跡一般,建築師事務所Henning Larsen Architects依地形在山丘處設計出一座被覆著繁茂的草地的斜坡,讓遊客能在其上一覽Aarhus 海灣的美景,並在占地16,000平方呎的博物館中規劃了不同的展區,以及咖啡館、會議室及商店區等。


圖片說明:圖片提供/Jens Lindhe

2014落成的歐胡斯史前歷史博物館被稱為是世界級的博物館,就像是在一座看不到邊界的範圍內保存著歷史遺跡。「當然,歐胡斯史前歷史博物館的功能不只只是保存歷史文物而已,」博物館館長Jan Skamby Madsen如此表示著,「博物館呈現的是我們對於歷史遺跡的知識,而這正也是從小孩到大人們所感興趣的地方,同時吸引著世界各地的遊客前來探索。」在過去的17年規劃過程中,這位館長從一開始的興建規劃便參與討論,試圖讓歐胡斯史前歷史博物館能以創新與不同的方式來呈現歷史文化,對他來說,這可是一處曾為史前人類及殘酷戰爭的場所,而如今正以新生命再度呈現給世人。

博物館的入口大廳可說是事務所設計的重點,不但是售票處,也有著咖啡廳及掛衣間,更重要的是從入口處便可連接到各展區及許多的觀景台,遊客能一覽海灣景色並享受被周遭樹林包圍的感覺。走過入口處,看到的是博物館展區入口處的永久展覽主題「Seven Vikings」,在這個特別的展區中,訪客就如同歷經了一段維京時期的狂野旅程,在觀賞所遺留下的重要文物中感受當時維京時期的生活氛圍。而歐胡斯史前歷史博物館的獨特設計及意義也讓建築師事務所Henning Larsen Architects獲得了2014年的In-Situ Award建築獎。

圖片說明:圖片提供/Jens Lindhe

圖片說明:圖片提供/Jens Lindhe

圖片說明:圖片提供/Jens Lindhe

圖片說明:圖片提供/Jens Lindhe

圖片說明:圖片提供/Jens Lindhe

圖片說明:圖片提供/Jens Lindhe

圖片說明:圖片提供/Jens Lindhe

圖片說明:圖片提供/Jens Lindhe

圖片說明:圖片提供/Jens Lindhe

圖片說明:圖片提供/Jens Lindhe

圖片說明:圖片提供/Jens Lindhe

Henning Larsen Architects 事務所
編譯/蘇琨峰 圖/Jens Lindhe





圖片說明:Courtesy by Jens Lindhe

The existing Moesgaard Museum in Aarhus is situated in the more than 300-year-old manor house of Moesgaard. A new museum building is taking shape adjacent to the manor house and in 2014, Denmark’s first new-built cultural historical museum ever will be inaugurated.

With its luxuriant green roof, the new building rises as a hill in the landscape, adding a new dimension to the scenic area. The building adds 16,000 new square metres to the museum and thus sets the stage for a variety of new exhibition opportunities. From the location high up in the hills of Skåde Bakker, visitors will have a fantastic view of Aarhus Bay.

The construction of the building started a year ago and the rough concrete structure visible on the building site now outlines the contours of the new museum, which will also comprise a café, an auditorium, a museum shop and conference facilities.

It is expected that the first guests can visit the new Moesgaard Museum on 1 June 2014. Already now, you can, however, get an impression of the completed building in the showroom on site.

The new Moesgaard Museum: A place of being
The new Moesgård Museum will feature world class special exhibitions as well as permanent exhibitions on an unseen scale. However, the museum will be much more than a monument of archaeological findings.

“It was all about the opportunity to facilitate our knowledge in a way that is interesting to both children, parents, and grandparents. There should be something for everyone, regardless of their point of departure”, explains Museum Director Jan Skamby Madsen, who is one of the leaders of the initiative behind the museum.

For the past 17 years, he has followed the project from the preliminary discussions up until today. His point of departure for a new museum was a burning desire to facilitate cultural history in an innovative and different way. Before long, the dream will become reality. In October, Moesgård Museum will bring life to the ancient stories of curious explorers, gory battlefields and former species of the human race. This will all come together in the new surroundings designed by Henning Larsen Architects in cooperation with Kristine Jensen Architects.

圖片說明:Courtesy by Jens Lindhe

Travelling with the Vikings
The 750 m2 foyer is the heart of the museum. It contains service functions such as the ticket counter, a café and a wardrobe, but the most important function is that it connects the exhibition halls of the museum and gives access to the many terraces with views overlooking the bay and the surrounding landscape.

Across from the ticket counter, which is placed close to the main entrance of the museum, visitors can glance down upon the permanent exhibition “Seven Vikings”. In this exhibition, the visitors are invited to join an eventful journey to Aarhus in the time of the Vikings and out into the world with some of the most prominent, local personalities from that era.

“The exhibition challenges the traditional concepts of exhibitions and draws on the latest knowledge and technologies. You can go on a journey with the Norwegian prince and warrior Harald Hardrada to Constantinople, where he was a mercenary in the army of the Empress. With him you can experience the mysteries of the East with palaces and churches”, Director Jan Skamby Madsen says and points towards a reconstruction of the famous mosque Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, scaled 1:10.

Moesgaard Museum wins the In-Situ Award
Henning Larsen Architects and the contractors MT Højgaard will receive the reputable and coveted architectural award, the In-Situ Award 2014, on June 11th 2014, for the new Moesgaard Museum.

The annual In-Situ Award is annually awarded by Dansk Beton (Danish Concrete Industry Association). The award is given to a person or a company that has created a unique project in in-situ concrete.

”The new Moesgaard Museum strikingly stands out from the hills of Skåde and under one great concrete roof, it gathers all of the different functions of the building in one big scenic movement. The building is international in its vision but at the same time it builds on the best of the Danish architectural tradition and that is why it has been chosen as the recipient of the year’s In-Situ Award”, the panel of judges states in the reason for the awarding.

圖片說明:Courtesy by Jens Lindhe

圖片說明:Courtesy by Jens Lindhe

圖片說明:Courtesy by Jens Lindhe

圖片說明:Courtesy by Jens Lindhe

圖片說明:Courtesy by Jens Lindhe

圖片說明:Courtesy by Jens Lindhe

圖片說明:Courtesy by Jens Lindhe

圖片說明:Courtesy by Jens Lindhe

圖片說明:Courtesy by Jens Lindhe

圖片說明:Courtesy by Jens Lindhe

圖片說明:Courtesy by Jens Lindhe

【More Information】
Henning Larsen Architects 事務所

Photos/Jens Lindhe

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A male Aries, loves learning new things and being nostalgic to old things. Academic background: Bachelor of Construction Engineering Department at National YunTech University, Taiwan and Diploma of Graduate School of Business and Economics at University of Melbourne. With character of a little introvert, addicting to architecture, photography, tennis, Jazz music and saxophone and being the translator of Xin Architecture/ International, reporter, holder of activities and international tour leader.
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