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Zaha Hadid-Mathematics Gallery 數學館

By 欣建築2014/11/06
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圖片說明:圖片提供/Zaha Hadid Architects

數學或許給人一種枯躁乏味與艱深的距離感,而現在由Zaha Hadid建築事務所設計,隸屬於倫敦科學博物館(Science Museum)的新建築─「大衛與克勞迪亞?哈丁數學館」(David and Claudia Harding Mathematics Gallery),正試圖打破這種即定印象,經由數學館的成立將抽象的數學概念轉換成適合各種年齡及與遊客間有趣的互動經驗。

圖片說明:圖片提供/Zaha Hadid Architects


圖片說明:圖片提供/Zaha Hadid Architects


圖片說明:圖片提供/Zaha Hadid Architects

數學館中最大的展示為懸掛在天花板上的1929年代雙翼飛機,這台由英國人Handley Page設計的實驗性質雙翼飛機在1929年時已可成功地起飛與降落。而數學程式在這台飛機的空氣動力與材料強度上便占了重要的因素,這台雙翼飛機可說是現代民航機發展史上重要的里程碑。

圖片說明:圖片提供/Zaha Hadid Architects

Handley Page的雙翼飛機故事也對數學館的設計帶來了相當程度的影響。數學館流線的造型就像是經過飛機時空氣的流動線條,而3度空間的曲面設計代表著飛機的空氣動力氣場,以及數學館的空間分佈概念;而數學館中也透過數學領域中的極小曲面(minimal surfaces)概念設計來呈現館內許多不同的展示品,以及中央處三個如豆莢狀的主要曲線裝置。

圖片說明:圖片提供/Zaha Hadid Architects


圖片說明:圖片提供/Zaha Hadid Architects

圖片說明:圖片提供/Zaha Hadid Architects

圖片說明:圖片提供/Zaha Hadid Architects

圖片說明:圖片提供/Zaha Hadid Architects

Zaha Hadid Architects 事務所



編譯/蘇琨峰 圖文/Zaha Hadid Architects



圖片說明:Courtesy by Zaha Hadid Architects

The Mathematics Gallery design explores the many influences of mathematics in our everyday lives; transforming seemingly abstract mathematical concepts into an exciting interactive experience for visitors of all ages.

圖片說明:Courtesy by Zaha Hadid Architects

The Science Museum’s collection tells the stories of key scientific and technological developments and the people behind them. The new Mathematics Gallery will engage its visitors by connecting the gallery’s objects to their mathematical ideas and outlining their social and cultural significance. The gallery’s design will encourage visitors to be inquisitive and discover links between the historic objects and contemporary experience.

圖片說明:Courtesy by Zaha Hadid Architects

The varied collection exhibited in the gallery will be divided into a number of zones exploring stories about mathematicians, mathematical applications in our everyday lives, and mathematical tools and ideas. However, the fluid organization of the gallery’s design will invite curators and visitors to establish connections that transcend every zone, mirroring the integrated nature of mathematics applications in all aspects of life.

圖片說明:Courtesy by Zaha Hadid Architects

The largest object to be exhibited within the gallery will be a 1929 biplane suspended from the ceiling. This experimental British aircraft made by Handley Page competed in the finals of the 1927 competition to design an aircraft that could take off and land slowly and steeply without stalling. The mathematics of aerodynamics and material stress embodied within the biplane’s design involved complex interacting equations which required extensive research by mathematicians across the aviation sector. This research profoundly advanced aeronautical science at the very beginnings of civilian air travel.

圖片說明:Courtesy by Zaha Hadid Architects

The gallery’s design will bring this remarkable story of the Handley Page biplane to life by considering the entire gallery as a wind tunnel for the aircraft which will hang in the centre of the space. Three-dimensional curved surfaces representing the aircraft’s aerodynamic turbulence field describe the formal and organizational concepts that define all other aspects of the gallery. These curvilinear surfaces convey complex mathematical ideas such vector-fields with their capacity to describe constantly-varying quantities. The gallery’s many different display cases and three central exhibition pods will embody these same formal concepts by applying a family of mathematics called minimal surfaces to their design.

圖片說明:Courtesy by Zaha Hadid Architects

Due to open in 2016, the new Mathematics Gallery will engage its visitors with an immersive experience of the mathematical and convey many of the fascinating stories of mathematicians that have shaped our history and continue to define our future.

圖片說明:Courtesy by Zaha Hadid Architects

圖片說明:Courtesy by Zaha Hadid Architects

圖片說明:Courtesy by Zaha Hadid Architects

圖片說明:Courtesy by Zaha Hadid Architects

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A male Aries, loves learning new things and being nostalgic to old things. Academic background: Bachelor of Construction Engineering Department at National YunTech University, Taiwan and Diploma of Graduate School of Business and Economics at University of Melbourne. With character of a little introvert, addicting to architecture, photography, tennis, Jazz music and saxophone and being the translator of Xin Architecture/ International, reporter, holder of activities and international tour leader.
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