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Dushe Architectural Design-江陽嘉荷精品酒店 Jiahe Boutique

By 欣建築2014/07/31
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編輯/蘇琨峰 圖文/Dushe Architectural Design

位於上海江陽東部新城,緊鄰美麗雨山湖畔旁的江陽嘉荷精品酒店(Jiahe Boutique Hotel in Jiangyin),是Dushe Architectural Design(上海都設建築設計有限公司)另一處精采的作品。酒店的前身為一間面積7,000平方公尺的辦公大樓,DSD將其改造為一間擁有50間客房、8間餐廳、一處宴會廳、會議室及游泳池的精品酒店,體現了將建築、內部設計及景觀規劃完美整合的最佳範例。

建物的改造與新建不同之處便是設計上會受限於現有基地條件上的約束,而如何在有限的投資下同時達成業主與設計師皆大歡喜的作品也是一大挑戰。在改造之初業主便提出了三項要求:改造成酒店的可行性評估、成本的嚴格控管及保持外立面的原樣貌(入口處除外)。因此在原有的建物結構下,Dushe Architectural Design利用鋼材在現有的建物結構下做最大的改造,並在機電工程師的建議下保留部份原有的機電設施。在新功能方面,Dushe Architectural Design在現有的情況下重新規劃室內動線並做出合理的空間排列。關於需保持原外立面的考量,事務所則提出了需改造入口處的建議,因為原本的大廳規劃並無法符合未來酒店接待大廳的要求,對於酒店獨特的氛圍也不一致。以改造的方向來說,整體改造的可行性是存在的。


1st Floor

2nd Floor

3rd Floor

4th Floor

deluxe room

executive suite


twin bed

Dushe Architectural Design事務所


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Jiahe Boutique Hotel is located in the east new town of Jiangyin, also by the Yushan Lake. The building area of the project is about 7000 square meters. With a proper renovation project design, the designers successfully transformed the former office building to a Boutique Hotel which has 50 guest rooms, 8 dining rooms, banquet halls, meeting rooms and a swimming pool. In the project, Shanghai Dushe Architecture Design Co.,Ltd has made an effort towards the integrated architecture, interior and landscape design, which also demonstrates the persistent pursuit of the complete quality from the designers.

The existing limitations must be considered the big difference between renovation projects and new projects. At the beginning, the owner put forward three requirements: assessment of the possibility of transforming the exist building into a hotel, strict control of the investment, no alternation of the façade (except in the entrance) under the planning rules. To provide a design that satisfies not only owners but also designers themselves under a limited investment is an eternal task for the designers. We reformed the space by completed steel structure through maximizing the use of existing structure. Through the professional suggestions from the electromechanical engineer, part of the original equipment gets to remain its utilization. For the new function, the logistics flow has been redesigned, also some reasonable arrangements has been made to meet the requirements of the hospitality management combining the existing conditions. Through a series of specific design strategies and proposals, a mutually satisfying work has laid a solid foundation based on the control of the investment. About the no alternation policy of the façade, our suggestion was to make the necessarily renovation to the entrance, the reason for the decision is on one hand, the original design couldn’t meet the functional requirements of drop-off zone; on the other hand, the original feature was not capable of satisfying the unique atmosphere of a boutique hotel. Above all, the land area has feasibility to be reconstructed.

The landscape, interior, architectural space of the building has provided constant sensory stimulations to the guests from the moment they ride or walk into the hotel area to their entering to the lobby. The integrative design of the hotel starts from the entrance area in our concept, but not confines to the main building of the hotel, we emphasize the integration of the three. In the design of the entry sequence for the Jiahe Boutique hotel, we extracted the "nature trail" feelings from the landscape, in order to create a unique visual environment and sequential spatial experience for the guests.

1st Floor

2nd Floor

3rd Floor

4th Floor

deluxe room

executive suite


twin bed

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Sturgess Architecture

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A male Aries, loves learning new things and being nostalgic to old things. Academic background: Bachelor of Construction Engineering Department at National YunTech University, Taiwan and Diploma of Graduate School of Business and Economics at University of Melbourne. With character of a little introvert, addicting to architecture, photography, tennis, Jazz music and saxophone and being the translator of Xin Architecture/ International, reporter, holder of activities and international tour leader.

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