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Philippe Fichet- 聖保羅媒體圖書館

By 欣建築2023/11/01
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圖片提供/Philippe Fichet Architectes

圖片說明:圖片提供/Philippe Fichet Architectes

建築與自然環境的共存對於建築師來說總是設計考量上的第一課題。位於法國一處生態島上的聖保羅媒體圖書館(St Paul Media-library),便讓建築師面臨著如何能讓建築作品適當地融入四周的自然環境之中。同時,建築的方向、位址、通風性與環境的整合性也可讓使用者親身體驗建築如何在設計上尊重環境的教育性意義。



Etang生態濕地可說整年皆吹著西南風,但在冬天時東南及東北風則更加強勁。如此的氣候下也讓負責設計的建築事務所Philippe Fichet Architectes在設計初始時便打算利用高度來獲取更多的自然風。因此聖保羅媒體圖書館的高度達到了30公尺高,不但避開了因都會化過程中所造成的街道間不通風的遮蔽效應,也可降低因車輛所造成的噪音影響。



圖片提供/Philippe Fichet Architectes

圖片說明:圖片提供/Philippe Fichet Architectes

圖片提供/Philippe Fichet Architectes

圖片說明:圖片提供/Philippe Fichet Architectes

圖片提供/Philippe Fichet Architectes

圖片說明:圖片提供/Philippe Fichet Architectes

圖片提供/Philippe Fichet Architectes

圖片說明:圖片提供/Philippe Fichet Architectes

平面圖;圖片提供/Philippe Fichet Architectes

圖片說明:平面圖;圖片提供/Philippe Fichet Architectes

一樓平面圖;圖片提供/Philippe Fichet Architectes

圖片說明:一樓平面圖;圖片提供/Philippe Fichet Architectes

二樓平面圖;圖片提供/Philippe Fichet Architectes

圖片說明:二樓平面圖;圖片提供/Philippe Fichet Architectes

三樓平面圖;圖片提供/Philippe Fichet Architectes

圖片說明:三樓平面圖;圖片提供/Philippe Fichet Architectes

四樓平面圖;圖片提供/Philippe Fichet Architectes

圖片說明:四樓平面圖;圖片提供/Philippe Fichet Architectes

五樓平面圖;圖片提供/Philippe Fichet Architectes

圖片說明:五樓平面圖;圖片提供/Philippe Fichet Architectes

六樓平面圖;圖片提供/Philippe Fichet Architectes

圖片說明:六樓平面圖;圖片提供/Philippe Fichet Architectes

>Philippe Fichet Architectes 事務所

>Philippe Fichet-Jean d'Ormesson 玩具與媒體圖書館

編輯/蘇琨峰  圖片/Philippe Fichet Architectes



一隻喜愛新事物也對舊事物固執的牡羊。台北工專土木工程科、雲林科技大學營建工程結構組畢業,工作後決定離職前往澳洲再度充實自己並一圓留學夢,畢業於墨爾 本大學經濟與商業研究所,主修商業與資訊管理。喜歡看建築、旅行探險、攝影、網球、及擔任爵士樂團薩克斯風手。目前為《欣建築/國際脈動》編譯、文字記者、辦理欣建築國外旅遊及國際領隊。
Editor Andre

圖片說明:Editor Andre

Article source

The orientation, the location, aerodynamic and permeable architecture must play an educational role on users and the involvement of all concerning the management of our natural environment.

A knowledge and life tree.

A pictorial and structured representation of the amount of wealth that each member brings to a community. A wealth of wisdom. Historical metaphor of the chimney, the symbol of an architectural structure responsive to the environment and climate.

The Media library location is the first ecological island from the wetland of the "Etang". The choice of density and verticality, is a strong environmental will that allows a substantial revegetation of the site. It is consistent with the many green islands that characterizes the urban fabric of St. Paul, Garden City.

Aerodynamic design strategy of natural ventilation

The wind is the source of natural ventilation.

The aim of natural ventilation program and its aerodynamic implications.

Climate program primarily relies on a careful and intelligent thermal design of the Media Library: sun protection, walls insulation or appropriate treatment, inertia, non emissive materials. The climate challenge of natural ventilation is systematically considered, in all areas of activities, work, reception, reading areas, exhibition, etc. The implementation of an effective natural ventilation has always integrated the associated issues of aero -acoustic (acoustic nuisance from one space to another or from outside) and a suitable flexible aeraulic management.

Application to the aerodynamic design of the Media-library

Given the context of the winds on the site (SW all year and the trade winds SE and NE winds in winter ) to reach and pass the aerodynamic stated objective, an advanced natural ventilation strategy is suggested :

A vertical architecture (30 m) to capture the full potential of the wind (increasing with height), and disengage it from the masks effects produced by the bass urbanized layers (side maritime wind quite particularly) and get away from auditive pollution bring by the roads (by the play of the height and acoustically dispersive shapes).

An architecture with high aerodynamic transparency length and several islets :
Transparency and de-densification of units built on the ground floor creates wind corridors and irrigates the intermediate spaces at ground level (usually non windy areas but here the effects of connections between areas upwind and downwind speeds up flows ) on one hand, and produce enough of "dynamic" air for built islet, allowing a through natural ventilation, on the other hand.

A streamlined architecture "omnidirectional " to capture and use all the potential wind directions for the purpose of natural ventilation :

A rather vertical "rotational symmetry" form, with a peripheral distribution of permeabilities (adjustable opening) at each level to basically ensure air flow. In some cases, where the flow is passing through, the air outlets are also ensured. The creation of an aerolic ventilation organization around a low pressure well, creates a true aspiration "pump" which extracts the air from the interior volumes.

【More Information】
>Philippe Fichet Architectes

>>Philippe Fichet-Jean d'Ormesson Toy and Media Library
Editor/Andre Photos/Philippe Fichet Architectes  

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Andre Profile

A male Aries, loves learning new things and being nostalgic to old things. Academic background: Bachelor of Construction Engineering Department at National YunTech University, Taiwan and Diploma of Graduate School of Business and Economics at University of Melbourne. With character of a little introvert, addicting to architecture, photography, tennis, Jazz music and saxophone and being the translator of Xin Architecture/ International, reporter, organizer of architectural tours and international tour leader.
Philippe Fichet Architectes圖書館建築法國建築