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MVRDV-鹿特丹商場 Rotterdam Markhal

By 欣建築2016/01/21
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位於荷蘭鹿特丹,外形如一個巨大拱型中空建築量體的鹿特丹商場(Rotterdam Markhal),在荷蘭建築師事務所MVRDV的巧思下,鹿特丹商場不僅有著獨特的拱型外觀,內部更是色彩繽紛並符合了多功能的住商需求。鹿特丹商場同時是荷蘭第一座有蓋頂式的食品商場,也是第一次嘗試將食品商場與住宅混合興建的建築。

當初興建內部高度及寬度皆達到40米的鹿特丹商場,便是為了能讓遊客享受吃喝玩樂、居住甚至方便停車的一次性需求。鹿特丹商場位於當地市中心正在開發的Laurens Quarter古城區,而鹿特丹商場也正好是市區重建計劃的一部份。商場內提供的服務可說應有盡有,除了住宿外,還規劃了80個生鮮及食品酒類攤販,不論是中式、荷式料理、各類商品或是遊樂區,甚至在一樓處還有20間零售店及8間餐廳及咖啡廳。在小編看來可是非常符合來這旅遊的遊客需求。

鹿特丹商場表面為95,000平方米,內部樓地板長120米,寬70米,差不多為一個大型足球場的面積大小,地下停車場有著1,200個停車位。除了符合大型商場設計外,鹿特丹商場的綠能設計也獲得了英國環評獎BREEAM的「Very Good」等級。同時其開放式的空間規劃,也可容許大量的遊客同時進出。有趣的是,在下雨與寒冷的天候時,入口處還設計了透明、像是網球拍網線排列狀的纜線網加上玻璃元素的圍幕用以關閉入口處以避免雨水及冷風的侵入,而這網狀玻璃的裝置也成為了目前歐洲最大的圍幕設備,甚至可抵擋暴風雨的侵襲。鹿特丹商場外立面也特別以天然的石頭灰為色調,這同時也是商場樓地板與公共區域的色調,這和又寬又高並充滿各式色彩的拱狀內壁畫相較下,又是一種滿強烈的色彩對比。

說到了商場內的壁畫,這一大片面積達11,000平方米名為「The Horn of Plenty」的壁畫則是出自藝術家Arno Coenen 和 Iris Roskam之手,這同時也是荷蘭當地最大的藝術作品。其實壁畫中所呈現的就是商場中可購買到的農產品等物品,一部份則是自17世紀流傳下來荷蘭式風格的花草與昆蟲的畫作。不論只是路過,或者是站在商場內仰望,就像看著一幅巨大的畫作一般。而這一片印上了畫作的鋁板,還有一項功能便是用來降低人潮所產生的噪音。

MVRDV當初把商場設計成拱型外觀,除了讓建築物能成為當地的建築地標外,也剛好是為了符合政府的新法令-販賣生鮮產品的市場必須有天花板的裝置以確保不影響到當地的環境衛生。同時,除了商場的功能外,大規模的開放空間也可當成一處市民的公共活動場所。若有機會旅遊到這鹿特丹,可別忘了到這商場逛逛。整年開放的鹿特丹商場營業時間為10 am to 8 pm(週日則為中午至6pm),不過餐廳及咖啡廳的營業時間會更長些,地下停車場則為24小時開放。























編譯/蘇琨峰 Andre  圖/MVRDV



一隻喜愛新事物也對舊事物固執的牡羊。台北工專土木工程科、雲林科技大學營建工程結構組畢業,工作後決定離職前往澳洲再度充實自己並一圓留學夢,畢業於墨爾 本大學經濟與商業研究所,主修商業與資訊管理。喜歡看建築、旅行探險、攝影、網球、及爵士樂團薩克斯風手。目前為《欣建築/國際脈動》編譯、文字記者、辦理欣建築相關活動及國際領隊。

圖片說明:Editor Andre

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MVRDV/ Rotterdam Markhal

Today Queen Maximá of the Netherlands opens Markhal Rotterdam, a project by developer Provast. Market Hall is the first covered food market of the Netherlands, drawing inspiration from food markets in Stockholm, Barcelona and Valencia. The roof of Market Hall is an arch accommodating 228 apartments, underneath the hall are 1,200 parking spaces and a supermarket. The combination of market hall and housing is a new typology. Market Hall, located in Rotterdam’s city center, is expected to attract 4,5 to 7 million visitors each year. The construction of Market Hall, a design by architecture and urban planning firm MVRDV, took five years to be completed. The project was executed by contractors J.P van Eesteren, Mobilis and Martens en Van Oord.

Food and all its aspects are the core elements of Market Hall. Visitors will be able to shop, eat, enjoy a drink on the terrace, live and park their car, all underneath the tall arch of 40 meters height and width. Market Hall is located in the city center of Rotterdam, in the historic Laurens Quarter which is currently being redeveloped. The project is part of the ambition of the city council to turn the Laurens Quarter into a lively and bustling area. Market Hall comprises more than 80 fresh food stalls and shop units, offering a diverse range of products: from fresh fish to game, from cappuccino to cheese, from Chinese to Dutch, from ice cream to local produce, from bargains to exclusive slow food. The ground and first floor accommodate 20 retail units and 8 restaurants and cafés. All shops are food-related and include a crockery- and a wine shop. A supermarket is located on the 1st underground level allowing the shoppers to complete their shopping under one roof.

The building with a total surface of 95.000 m² was designed by MVRDV in 2004. The tall arch-shaped hall is 40 meters high, inside the arch 228 apartments are situated. The ground floor is about 120 meters long and 70 meters wide, the size of a large football pitch. The underground car park has a total of 1.200 parking lots. Market Hall is an energy efficient building and has been awarded a BREEAM Very Good rating, a rare distinction for retail. In order to attract a large number of visitors, the building is designed with an open character. The open sides had to be closed to prevent rain and cold from entering, but kept as transparent as possible by opting for a single glazed cable net façade. Comparable to a tennis racket, pre-stressed steel cables create a suspended net in-between which the glass panes are hung. Market Hall’s cable net façade is the largest of its kind in Europe and flexible to withstand heavy storms.  The exterior facade is clad in grey natural stone; the same is used for the market floor and the surrounding public space, in this way the emphasis lays on the colourful interior.

The large mural which covers the vaulted interior, ‘The Horn of Plenty’ by artists Arno Coenen and Iris Roskam has a total surface of 11.000 m² making it the largest artwork of the Netherlands. ‘The Horn of Plenty’ shows oversized images of market produce which can be bought at the market, while the flowers and insects refer to the work of Dutch still life masters from the 17th century. In order to achieve the required sharpness, the image was rendered by Pixar software. It was printed onto perforated aluminium panels, then attached to acoustic panels for noise control. The print resolution of the art work is comparable to a glossy magazine. Markhal makes Rotterdam home of a new urban typology, a hybrid of market and housing. Markthal comprises of 102 rental- and 126 freehold apartments among which 24 penthouses. The apartments vary from 80 m² to 300 m², from two to five bedrooms. Every apartment has a view either towards the river Maas or the Laurens Church, and towards the market through windows or a glass floor made of sound and smell proof triple glazing.

In 2004, the City of Rotterdam launched an architectural competition for a market hall in combination with housing. Six developers were invited of which Provast was awarded the 1st prize. The winning concept, which is now being realized, proposed to combine both functions in one building. The design by MVRDV was realized in collaboration with INBO architects, Royal HaskoningDHV, Peutz and Techniplan. Contractor Mobilis and Martens en Van Oord realized the underground car park, contractor J.P. van Eesteren is responsible for the complete structure above ground. Retail property company Corio is the investor of the market stalls, food shops and cafés and restaurants; housing corporation Vesteda manages the 102 rental apartments. The underground car park is owned by the City of Rotterdam and managed by Interparking. The structure above ground was financed by ABN AMRO. Market Hall will be open 7 days a week, from 10 am to 8 pm (Sunday noon to 6 pm) with extended opening times for the restaurants and cafés. The underground car park will be open 24 hours a day.

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Andre Profile

A male Aries, loves learning new things and being nostalgic to old things. Academic background: Bachelor of Construction Engineering Department at National YunTech University, Taiwan and Diploma of Graduate School of Business and Economics at University of Melbourne. With character of a little introvert, addicting to architecture, photography, tennis, Jazz music and saxophone and being the translator of Xin Architecture/ International, reporter, holder of activities and international tour leader.
Rotterdam MarkhalMVRDV鹿特丹商場