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GHD Woodhead 作品 「Bubup Nairm 兒童中心」

By 欣建築2020/04/01
article cover

圖片提供/Shannon McGrath

如果去過墨爾本的St Kilda,一定忘不了吹著海風悠閒地逛著海邊市集的喜悅,還有整排露天桌椅的餐廳區。如何才能把這閒情逸致的環境氛圍融入兒童中心的建築風格呢?澳洲的建築師事務所GHD Woodhead如何在菲利浦海港市(City of Port Philip)的委託下設計出一個活潑又色彩豐富的兒童中心─「Bubup Nairm Children's Centre」。

早在1938年,St Kilda地區便開始執行完善的孩童照顧計劃,而當時所成立的兒童中心,同時成為當地社區的一處交流空間。因此,在日益增加的孩童照顧與家庭交流的需求下,才又重新設計這間兒童中心。在該地區重整的規劃下,也新增了社區的活動設施,並有效地連結了其他的社區福利設施。



Bubup Nairm兒童中心的取名相當有趣,其實「Bubup」就是當地海灣原住民Boon Wurrung話語中的兒童,而「Nairm」則是菲利浦海港市的意思,以「菲利浦海港市的孩童」來為兒童中心命名是最合適不過了。

GHD Woodhead事務所表示,Bubup Nairm兒童中心以「多感知」的概念呼應四周的自然環境,創造出能刺激孩童與家長們身心靈為設計導向的建築。建築物內多變的光線變化、色彩及能實際觸摸的材料體驗來鼓勵與激發學習。白天時走在兒童中心內,不但處處可看見光影的交錯變化(真的要感謝St Kilda地區長年充足的日光),室內外也可看見大量的木建材使用,讓人感覺兒童中心溫暖而親切,其實這也是事務所在此建案中想呈現的永續建築概念。隨活動需求而變化的空間,則是在多功能原則下的彈性設計。在整合性的設計下,兒童中心為該社區持續提供家庭所需的服務。經過事務所事前的研究與協調,相信Bubup Nairm兒童中心已成為了澳洲兒童中心的設計典範及社區活動中心。

圖片提供/Shannon McGrath

圖片提供/Shannon McGrath

圖片提供/Shannon McGrath

圖片提供/Shannon McGrath

圖片提供/Shannon McGrath

圖片提供/Shannon McGrath

圖片提供/Shannon McGrath

圖片提供/Shannon McGrath

圖片提供/Shannon McGrath

St. Kilda街道;圖片提供/GHD Woodhead

St. Kilda街道;圖片提供/GHD Woodhead

北面剖面圖;圖片提供/GHD Woodhead

西面剖面圖;圖片提供/GHD Woodhead

東面剖面圖;圖片提供/GHD Woodhead

南面剖面圖;圖片提供/GHD Woodhead

一樓平面;圖片提供/GHD Woodhead

二樓平面;圖片提供/GHD Woodhead

> GHD Woodhead 事務所

圖文提供/GHD Woodhead
校閱/Florence Kao






Article source

GHD Woodhead-Bubup Nairm Children’s Centre, St Kilda

The City of Port Philip council commissioned GHD Woodhead to design the new integrated childcare and community hub to service the growing needs of the children and families in the surrounding community. The site located at 171 Chapel Street, St Kilda has a strong history in providing childcare to the community with a Baby Health Centre first been established on the site at in 1938.

In 1971 a new Children’s Centre and Maternal & Child Health Centre was erected on the same site, which remained until of GHD Woodhead engagement for the redevelopment of 171 Chapel Street.

The existing childcare centre was demolished with the site revitalised to provide more effective links with adjacent community amenities, increasing the community facilities on site, the childcare places offered and family services, based on local demand.

The new ‘L-shape’ facility is nestled between the imposing City of Port Philip council chambers, a historic church and expansive playing fields. Yet, the dynamic angled entrance off Carlisle Street provides an identifiable, welcoming and accessible entry experience – increasing physical and visual access and encouraging community use and interaction.

The GHD Woodhead design provides a flexible approach to community use, with multi-use rooms and venues alongside child care, children’s health and parenting facilities which move with the needs of the community.

The facility is a multi-sensorial built form and natural environment aimed at stimulating the minds and bodies of children and their families. The building makes use of varied light, colour, and tactile material experiences to encourage and inspire exploration and learning.
Throughout the design process the project team focused on:
•The use of sensory and sustainable materials and construction methods
•Multi-function and adaptability – flexible spaces which respond to the needs of the users and the community
•Sanctuary – a facility which provides a secure, safe and comfortable haven for learning
Through effective research and collaboration, the resulting design creates a benchmark for childcare facilities and an exciting environment for community nucleus.
After wide consultation the name Bubup Nairm was accepted by the City of Port Phillip Council. Bubup is local Aboriginal Boon Wurrung meaning children and Nairm is Port Phillip Bay. i.e. “ Children of Port Philip Bay”.

This centre is based on a model of integration which brings together at a local level, various programs in a seamless service to ensure better coordination and simpler access for all families, providing a welcoming and enriching place that nurtures and supports children and families offering such facilities as:
•116 No. licensed children’s services places with generous outdoor spaces
•3 No. Maternal and child health services
•2 No. dedicated Playgroup Rooms
•2 Dedicated Spaces for playgroups
•New parent groups
•Immunisation services
•Early childhood intervention services
•Family services
•Multi-purpose room for community use
•Outdoor Playgroup Spaces

An integrated service response of this nature supports consistent and timely intervention for families, children and young people, particularly those most in need.

【More Information】
GHD Woodhead

Editor/Andre  Photos/ Shannon McGrath

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Andre Su

A male Aries, loves learning new things and being nostalgic to old things. Academic background: Bachelor of Construction Engineering Department at National YunTech University, Taiwan and Diploma of Graduate School of Business and Economics at University of Melbourne. With character of a little introvert, addicting to architecture, photography, tennis, Jazz music and saxophone and being the translator of Xin Architecture/ International, reporter, holder of activities and international tour leader.

學校建築澳洲建築GHD WoodheadBubup Nairm 兒童中心Bubup Nairm社區活動中心