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Aerosmith 史密斯飛船於官網發佈取消上海及台灣演出消息

By 欣音樂2013/08/19
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圖片說明:Aerosmith 史密斯飛船於官網發佈取消上海及台灣演出訊息(圖片來源:www.aerosmith.com)Aerosmith 史密斯飛船原訂於本週六(8/24)來台演出,稍早前已於其官網上發佈上海及台灣演出取消之訊息。「It is with sincere regret that AEROSMITH has announced that it must cancel two previously scheduled festival gigs Wednesday, August 21 in Shanghai and Saturday, August 24 in Taip

圖片說明:Aerosmith 史密斯飛船於官網發佈取消上海及台灣演出訊息(圖片來源:www.aerosmith.com)

Aerosmith 史密斯飛船原訂於本週六(8/24)來台演出,稍早前已於其官網上發佈上海及台灣演出取消之訊息。

「It is with sincere regret that AEROSMITH has announced that it must cancel two previously scheduled festival gigs Wednesday, August 21 in Shanghai and Saturday, August 24 in Taipei.  AEROSMITH shares the disappointment of their supportive fans in Shanghai and Taipei and they hope to see them soon.

“We are extremely upset to have disappointed our dedicated fans,” says Steven Tyler. “They have welcomed us into their country and due to uncontrollable circumstances we will not be able to perform.  We were so excited to share our music with them and look forward to one day returning and giving them the show they deserve.”
主唱Steven Tyler表示:『我們對於讓喜愛我們的歌迷失望而感到非常沮喪。他們在他們的國家如此的歡迎我們,但卻因為無法抗拒的狀況而無法前去演出,我們原本感到非常興奮可以和他們分享我們的音樂,希望我們有一天能再度前往演出,獻給他們一場不虛此行的表演。』

“We're disappointed as we wanted to play for our fans,” said Joe Perry.  “We've looked forward to this for a lifetime.”
吉他手Joe Perry表示:『我們非常失望,原本很期望能為我們的樂迷們表演。我們幾乎已經期待一輩子了。』

“It's always been a dream of ours to play in Shanghai and Taipei, and meet our fans there," Tom Hamilton says. “We were really looking forward to visiting Shanghai and Taipei and playing for our fans there and are very disappointed that these two shows have been cancelled.”
貝斯手Tom Hamilton表示:『在上海及台灣演出並與當地的樂迷見面一直是我們的夢想。我們非常期待能拜訪上海及台灣並為我們的樂迷演奏,很失望這兩場演出被取消了。』

“I'm disappointed we weren't able to play for our fans in China, however the circumstances were beyond our control.” says Joey Kramer.  “I sincerely hope Aerosmith will get another opportunity to come back to Shanghai and Taiwan to play for our many fans there.”
鼓手Joey Kramer表示:『對於我們無法為中國的樂迷表演,我感到很失望,然而這情形並非我們所能掌控的。我誠摯地希望史密斯飛船能有再次的機會能前去上海及台灣為我們的樂迷表演。』」

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