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全球最長單塔不對稱斜張橋 「淡江大橋」主橋段開工

By 欣建築2019/03/21
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Danjiang Bridge by Zaha Hadid Architects, render by VA.

橫跨淡水河出海口,淡江大橋(Danjiang Bridge)是北台灣基礎建設升級計劃的項目之一,同時也是全球最長的單塔不對稱的斜張橋。

Longitudinal Elevation Drawings by Zaha Hadid Architects.

Front View Drawings & Lateral View Drawings by Zaha Hadid Architects.

預計落成後的淡江大橋,不但可加強淡水河二岸的城鎮互動,亦可舒緩國道2號、台15線、西部濱海快速道路(台61線)及八里-新店快速道路(台64線)相關城鎮的交通負荷,降低上游五公里處關渡大橋30%的交通量;同時,淡江大橋也可改善北部海岸的交通網絡,並強化台北港及北部機場的運輸量;延伸淡海輕軌系統以連接淡水河左岸與台北的公共運輸網絡。由國際建築團隊 Zaha Hadid Architects(ZHA)、Leonhardt, Andrä & Partner德國理安公司及Sinotech台灣中興工程顧問公司於2015獲得此項目的競圖優勝。

Danjiang Bridge by Zaha Hadid Architects, render by VA.



Danjiang Bridge by Zaha Hadid Architects, render by MIR.


Danjiang Bridge by Zaha Hadid Architects, render by MIR.

Danjiang Bridge by Zaha Hadid Architects, render by MIR.

Danjiang Bridge by Zaha Hadid Architects, render by MIR.

【延伸閱讀 More Articles】
ZHA拿下「淡江大橋」競圖 打造全球最長單塔不對稱斜張橋


Zaha Hadid-阿卜杜拉國王石油研究中心
Zaha Hadid-Bergisel Schanze 奧林匹克滑雪跳台
Zaha Hadid Architects-如沙丘般建築 零耗能Bee''ah沙迦總部


【延伸資訊 More Information】
Zaha Hadid 事務所
編譯/ Florence Kao
圖文提供/ Zaha Hadid Architects

Spanning the mouth of the Tamsui River that flows through Taipei, the Danjiang Bridge is integral to the infrastructure upgrading program of northern Taiwan.

The new bridge will reduce through-traffic on congested local roads by linking Highway 2 on the river’s eastern side with Highway 15, the West Coast Expressway (Route 61) and the Bali-Xindian Expressway (Route 64) on the western side.

In reducing traffic by 30% on the existing Guandu Bridge 5km upriver, the Danjiang Bridge will significantly improve Taiwan’s northern coast traffic network and also enhance accessibility throughout the region with the Port of Taipei and Taoyuan International Airport.

The Tamsui River estuary is an important natural ecosystem flanked by the urban centres of Tamsui to the East and Bali to the west. The estuary is rapidly growing in popularity with both residents and tourists as a recreational area where people gather each day to watch the sun setting over the Taiwan Strait.

The bridge minimizes its visual impact by using a single concrete mast to support its main 450-metre span with the dedicated road, cycle and pedestrian lanes. The design also accommodates future expansion of the Danhai Light Rail network across the Tamsui River.

Sinotech Engineering Consultants and Leonhardt, Andrä and Partner joint venture with Zaha Hadid Architects, the bridge’s 200-metre mast is engineered to be as slender as possible.

Project: Danjiang Bridge
Location: Taipei, Taiwan
Date: 2015/2024
Client: Directorate General of Highways,M.O.T.C.
Status: Under Construction
Length: 920m (total)、450 (longest span)

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Zaha Hadid淡江大橋Zaha Hadid ArchitectsZHALeonhardt Andr? & Partner德國理安公司Sinotech台灣中興工程顧問公司橋梁設計台灣建築