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IDOM-塞內加爾運動中心 力與美的呈現

By 欣建築2018/05/08
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有這麼一說,「在西非的塞內加爾(Senegal), 有陰涼處的地方與水才是最重要的。」西班牙建築師事務所IDOM位於塞內加爾的邦貝鎮(Bambey)以這二個元素為概念,設計了一個符合高強度運動,並以教室區塊為單位的運動中心。此項目也是IDOM受當地教育部與世界銀行委託的專案,企圖蓋出呼應力與美的建築作品。




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編譯/蘇琨峰 圖/IDOM




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In Senegal, shade and water are everything. This project for a Centre for Training and Research in High Performance Sport is a close relative of a lecture-room block in Bambey which we also carried out by appointment of the Ministry of Education and the World Bank, and it intends to respond to this context as the perfect machine, beautiful in its efficiency.

The ensemble is articulated around three bodies: a lecture-room block, a sports centre and a 50x25 m Olympic swimming pool. Just like in the building in Bambey, we developed the project from its cross-section, providing the building with a large double roof and a great lattice on the south façade, an L-shaped shield laying on its back, which avoids direct solar radiation but is permeable to air. This shield creates a Venturi effect generating a constant air flow between the building envelope and the lecture rooms, reducing the interior temperature by 10-15 ºC degrees, a change from the outside 40-45 ºC.

The buildings are simple in their construction, appropriate to the possibilities of the place, the construction material of choice being concrete blocks built on site covered with mortar. The façade latticework of the swimming pool base is made up of in-situ hand-made perforated blocks, favouring the use of the local workforce; that of the protection elevation to the south is perforated steel, painted like the fishing nets of the boats in the harbour in San Luis, with the colours of their canoes, and with a soft swaying motion, just like when they dock after a hard day of fishing.

Editor/Andre Photos/IDOM

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A male Aries, loves learning new things and being nostalgic to old things. Academic background: Bachelor of Construction Engineering Department at National YunTech University, Taiwan and Diploma of Graduate School of Business and Economics at University of Melbourne. With character of a little introvert, addicting to architecture, photography, tennis, Jazz music and saxophone and being the translator of Xin Architecture/ International, reporter, holder of architecture tours and international tour leader.